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Castlegale Loop
Kilfinane, Co. Limerick
Family friendly
Free to visit
Paid car parking
Castlegale Loop is a 3.8km walk that starts and finishes in the village of Galbally – at the heart of Ballyhoura country.

Situated in the southwest region of Ireland, on the borders of counties Tipperary, Limerick and Cork, Ballyhoura country is an area of undulating green pastures, woodlands, hills and mountains. The ancient and unspoilt landscape, the abundance of heritage sites, the range of outdoor activities, and the friendliness of the local people make it an excellent place to discover rural Ireland. This loop starts and finishes in the village of Galbally – at the heart of Ballyhoura country. The Darragh Hills, situated to the southeast of Kilfinnane, offer pleasant walking through mixed broadleaf and conifer woodland with some heathland. There are wonderful views of the rolling hills of the surrounding countryside with Galtymore in the distance.

Trail details

Walking Trail
Ballyhoura Darragh Hills Loops
    Time:2 hours
    Nearest town start:Kilfinnane
    Nearest town finish:Kilfinnane
    Start point:Darragh Bridge, Darragh, Co. Limerick
    Finish point:Darragh Bridge, Darragh, Co. Limerick
    Waymarking:Green arrow on white background
    Facilities:Car park
Contact details
Kilfinnane, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, Ireland
Leave no trace
  • Plan ahead and prepare
  • Be considerate of others
  • Respect farm animals and wildlife
  • Travel and camp responsibly
  • Leave what you find
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Protect nature from fire
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