Heywood Gardens were completed in 1912, and consist 50 acres of gardens, lakes, woodland and architectural features. The gardens have a spectacular setting on a hillside looking south-east over a sweep of undulating country which takes in seven counties. A walk lined with lime trees leads to a formal terrace overlooking the surrounding countryside.
The gardens are composed of four elements linked by a terrace that ran along the front of the house, which now no longer exists. In the sunken garden, circular terraces descend to an elongated pool, where small statues of turtles gaze inquisitively at the grand fountain. On the top level a loggia, roofed with red tiles, includes an inscription taken from the writings of Alexander Pope. Highlights include a rose called Natalie Naples and Johnston's Blue geraniums, to name just a few.
You'll also find a very nice walk around the forest, away from the garden.